Read the submission guidelines below carefully.
Stay up to date with the deadlines and
don't hesitate to contact the staff with any questions!
Sonder, the Mahomet-Seymour literary magazine, welcomes submissions for original, creative works by MSHS students. For us, “Sonder” is the realization that everyone has a story. It is our goal to exhibit the compelling and high-quality creative works of MSHS students and their stories. We’re especially interested in works that are outside the box and go beyond the norm.
Content: Please submit only your best, most polished work. Work must be original and previously unpublished. Obviously, your work must follow the school guidelines of what is appropriate for publication.
We are willing to consider any type of creative work, but below is a list of ideas:
Short stories, poetry, literary nonfiction, scripts/screenplays (printed or filmed), and lyrics/songs (printed or recorded), paintings, drawings, cartoons, photographs, sculptures, pottery, woodworking
Title of Doc: Student ID, Title of Piece (Example: 01234, I Love Memes)
Heading on Doc: In the upper right-hand corner, list the same info: student ID and title. Do not include your name anywhere on the document itself. This will ensure anonymity during judging.
Images: Please submit images as .JPEG or .PNG files. Do not submit images as a Google Doc or PDF. Images sent in another format will not be considered for publication. Please also change the file name to the title under which you would like the image to appear in the book.
Number of submissions and length: We request that you please submit only your best, most polished work. You may submit any number of works, but please submit only three pieces of a particular genre/medium (e.g. up to three poems, three photos, three paintings, etc.).
Prose five pages/under and poems two pages/under are more likely to be published.
How to Submit: Follow the directions on this Google Form to submit: https://bit.ly/Sonder2425
Submission Deadline: We will accept submissions beginning on Monday, 12/2, and ending on Tuesday, 1/21 at 11:59 PM. Though this is the deadline, we encourage early submissions if your work is ready.
Selection Process: Submission does not guarantee acceptance or publication. The student staff of Sonder will review and evaluate your submissions. Submissions will be kept anonymous through this process and will be judged on content and style. Publication of your piece may be contingent upon completing the requested revisions. You will be notified of acceptance or denial no later than spring break.
Questions?: If you have any questions about Sonder or the submission process, feel free to contact any member of the student staff or Mrs. Colbert, Mr. O’Daniel, Mrs. East, or Mrs. Eisenmenger. You can also follow us on Instagram and TikTok @sondersmshs or visit our website at https://sondermshs.wixsite.com/mshs.